lump in right side of abdomen

knot or lump in lower right side of.
lump in right side of abdomen
Lump in Abdomen Right Side Small, painful lump in my lower right.lump in right side of abdomen
Bulge Right Side of Abdomen
Lump on right side of abdomen - Crohn's.
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General IBD Discussion Hi all! I am writing yet again with another questionThankfully everyone here is Is it high or low on your abdomin? If it's high it
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I have a lump or ball in lower right side of my abdomen. It hurts to push on the outside. It feels bruised. Is that a swolen gland or something? Lump in Abdomen Left Side | Body Bumps lump in right side of abdomen - General.
I have a lump which is sometimes a little bit sore in the right hand side of my lower abdomen. It is about two/three inches long soft and appears to be floating